
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

April 15, 2020

EI8HT and Grounded?

In these times of world-wide groundings I was thinking the other day as I was self-isolating how things could always be worse, and thinking back to a movie called 'EI8HT', where the main character battled to leave her house everyday suffering from OCD and agoraphobia.
Libby Munro the actress who played the main character in 'EI8HT' was also in a one woman play called 'Grounded' ... and this was well before most people had heard of self-isolation and social distancing:-)
More than 240 Queenslanders are grounded?
Virgin Australia has entered their
 second trading halt this month
As I was thinking about just how much of a challenge 'EI8HT' would be to watch for a lot of people now suck at home, I was checking my blog stats and saw that someone in the last two hours had been reading an old post about Libby Munro that day, which I had written just after I had seen her in the stage play 'Grounded' -
Libby Munro: A Grounded Actress with High Skies Ahead of Her
After seeing someone had been reading that old Libby Munro post (maybe even Libby herself;-) I decided to do a net search to see what movies or plays Libby had worked on before "the grounding".
When I put her name into the search bar her Facebook page link came up, and when I scrolled down a little to see what she had been posting lately I saw this post in the screen shot below, where Libby tells her Facelookers that the movie 'EI8HT' is available to watch on Amazon Prime
Which for me is great, because I have a monthly Amazon Prime account, so the movie is free for me to watch.
Libby said it was just Amazon Prime in Australia, as far as she knew, but someone from Germany in a comment under her post wrote that they could get it on Amazon Prime in Germay.
So, who knows how many countries can view it on AP?
I found it on Amazon Prime and added
 the movie to my
watch list for later
It's well worth a watch, or two, or eight, if you are couped up at home, and can't go outside.
Libby Munro's Facebook post
And as I was gathering a screen shot for the details about 'EI8HT' at Libby's FB site I see she has since put up a link to her new movie 'The Hunted'.
There's another one for my list.
Click this link HERE to go to Vimeo
 to watch 'THE HUNTED' for free
I'll have to find out where the rest of her movies can be viewed, as the only movie starring Libby I've seen is 'Ei8HT', so I guess I'll just have to try and get out more often:-)
Libby Munro on stage in the play 'Venus in Fur'

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