
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

April 14, 2020

Sophie Hardcastle Spilling the Beanz Along with Osher on Their Mental Health in These Times of Covid 19 and Self-isolation?

Today's breakfast for lonesome ol' me in self-isolation:-(
I had not heard of Sophie Hardcastle before yesterday, until I listened to her as guest on the 'Better Than Yesterday' podcast (ironically:-).
Better Than Yesterday Podcast #332: Sophie Hardcastle
Sophie Hardcastle
Polarised [2016]
Polarised [2016]
Polarised [2016]
Sophie Hardcastle's novel Below Deck
Sophie is an author and artist whose artwork looks interesting to me.
All of this talk of mental health in these times of self-isolation, as well as seeing Sophie's book covers and her Beanz artwork exhibition got me to thinking about one of the last movies I saw before the cinemas were closed because of the Covid 19 virus.
'The Lighthouse' where the catch phrase seems to be, if you listen to the above trailer, "why'd ya spill ya beans?"
And on the subject of lighthouses what about looking back to last year and watching that Tourism Australia TV ad featuring one of my favourite lighthouses in the world?-)  
The Lighthouse and Squaring the Circle?
Featuring some truly iconic Aussie locations?
"WA[R] is now in a war, the type of
war we have never seen before."
Sophie Hardcastle
The name Hardcastle reminds me of the name Newcastle and the walk I did in 2016 out to have a look at a lighthouse that was closed when I got all the way out there -
New Castle? See Change?
I even spotted a rat on my walk in
Newcastle in 2016, ironically:-)
The last time I was in Newcastle was in 2016 when I was heading down to Sydney to watch my beloved Sharks take on the Cowboys at Allianz Stadium in the NRL semi-final.
Allianz Stadium (AKA The Sydney Football Stadium) has since been demolished and this year Fox Sports filmed a NRL promotional video with Jimmy Barnes singing 'Simply the Best' among the flattened rubble where the stadium once stood.
Sitting in Allianz Stadium on my birthday
 back in
2016, waiting for the Sharks
That NRL video turned out to be as cursed as the Tourism Australia video looking back in the hindsight of April 2020.
First NRL match played to an empty stadium
Traditional AFL season opener between
Richmond Tigers & Carlton Blues
AFL 2020: Richmond-Carlton best photos
The Lighthouse and the Dark Synchromystic Rabbit Hole?
Listening to all these popular podcasts in the dark mental waters 2020 makes me think that the lighthouse is a very apt symbol for those feeling adrift in dark thoughts of the future ahead.
Media & Mindfulness: 7 Ways To Reduce The Noise & Get Empowered?
Byron Bay and Cairns 'most vulnerable'

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