
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

April 30, 2020


This should be an interesting Nimbin 2020 Mardigrass, since with corona-virus lock-down, scenes like the one pictured above can't legally happen ... not that scenes like the one above are legal if you look closely anyway;-)
I've never been to the real ones that have been held over the years in Nimbin, although I say every year that I'll have to go down there one weekend.
The year that I was definitely going it rained so much that the roads were cut off and I couldn't go.
And while I have no problem with grass being legalized throughout Australia, I have to say that I've smoked grass about five times in my life and had one hash cake, and while the hash cake made me feel like I was melting into my couch, the smokes did nothing for me in any significant way.
I much prefer a good drink to a toke.
But hey, whatever floats your joint I guess:-)
I don't do Facebook or Zoom, so I'll probably miss this year's Virtual Nimbin Mardigrass events and chats as well:-(


  1. Hi there Darren... just saying hello, hope you're doing ok etc. etc.
    Keep up the good work!


  2. Is this my May Day mental health check-up Marie because you feel my brain boat may be synching a little too fast in these times of Covid 19?-)
    Only joking as Americans would say.
    But then they did elect one for a president, so they would know a joke when they see one I guess:-)
    Only joking again, as Americans would say:-)
    Jokes and presidents ... and potential presidents aside ... I'm doing OK Marie, how about you?
    The Drive-in is opening again this May Day weekend, so me and my youngest adult son are going to take in a movie under the stars for something different to do and catch up on a movie I missed seeing at the cinema before the cinemas shut (and still are).
    I thought it might make an interesting post to report on a trip to the drive-in in times of social distancing, where only 10 people at a time will be let into the candy bar and only one movie will be played on the night, instead of the usual two, to stop a rush on the toilets (bathrooms for you American readers ... although why would you want to pee into a bath when you can use a toilet? Only joking:-).
    Plus you have to buy tickets online for a contactless transaction, so they just scan your phone or print out at the gate.
    At least the weather looks fine for the weekend over here as we head into an Aussie winter.
    And in my Aussie state of Queensland the Covid 19 count is pretty much down to zero now, so I'd have more chance getting killed on the road-trip to and from the drive-in than getting the virus it would seem.

  3. Ah ha! Liking your cinema idea.
    I'm ok, currently experiencing a LOT of sync activity (if that's the right word) ...for example... just caught the end of a really nice Road trip come Cookery documentary with Risk Stein who mentioned a fish with a muscle like a frisbee … now started watching a tv show called 'Devs' where the first character on screen is holding a frisbee... seriously... this is happening all day to me... the virus (or whatever is really going on) is in hyper-drive!
    Enjoy the sunny weekend and dare I say it, take care, be safe etc! ;-)

  4. I've got a heap of synch posts in the works, but every-time I start one that I think will be nice and short and easy to put out ahead of the others, I find other linked syncs that blow the length of the post way out.
    I've got some good ones coming out soon ... God willing, touch wood, and all those superstitious things people say not to get hit by lightning or the Grim Reaper's scythe;-)
